[Qgis-developer] Customization

Borys Jurgiel lists at borysjurgiel.pl
Thu Jun 13 02:48:56 PDT 2013

Dnia środa, 12 czerwca 2013 o 21:11:35 Radim Blazek napisał(a):
> I have generated new customisation.xml on another computer and pushed
> it to master. It seems to work but it reported for many widgets:
>   "No module named qgscollapsiblegroupbox"
> which could be a problem.

Yes, some dialogs started to work. Unfortunately many important are excluded 
because of containig qgs* widget classes (like the one you mentioned above).

Also tab widgets don't work.

I'm reopening the ticket but without blocker flag. I don't know if it's a  
regression, but at first sight doesn't look like that.

> > Unfiortunately I won't have time next days (weeks?) to investigate it
> > deeper :(
> The same here.

Thanks for this partial solving. Maybe one of us will have some time later 
before the release.

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