[Qgis-developer] Openlayers plugin in 2.0 Was: QGIS 2.0 release and plugins

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Sun Jun 16 01:30:59 PDT 2013

On 16-06-13 00:39, Anita Graser wrote:
> I'm a bit worried about not having a functioning Openlayers plugin in
> QGIS 2.0 for two months.
> Can someone with experience in porting plugins estimate how much work it
> really is to make it compatible with the new API

Hi Pirmin,

if we manage to release 2.0 before Brighton, I agree that the Openlayers 
plugin is one plugin which should be available at 2.0 launch.

Here locally I managed to get it running in current master (most of it, 
overview widget is not ok yet).
But I do not want to force/stress Sourcepole or Matthias to put time in 
looking into it if they have more important things to do.

And maybe you have (bigger/other) plans with the plugin, like a 
refactoring or upgrade of bigger parts of the code. Or maybe you know 
with QGIS 2.0 there are non sip parts that will give problems?
I can also imagine that you really want to support only ONE plugin 
working for both sip api versions.

But that said, I'm happy to put what I have now put on Github and ask 
for a pull request in a 2.0 branch (what I did is NOT compatible with 
1.8). I'm also available if bugs pop up in that version in short future.

And I agree that Brighton is then a nice place to do the 'bigger' work 
for this really important plugin.


Richard Duivenvoorde

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