[Qgis-developer] python scripting

Jo winfixit at gmail.com
Sat May 25 14:21:52 PDT 2013


I'm going to have to do a series of actions about 20 times, so I'd like to
automate the process, but I don't know how to get started. What to import?
What functions to call?

Here's what I need to do:

Add Vector Layer
  File/Latin1/ -> 2 layers

One layer has points with address information, the other has polygons of
building shapes

Vector/Analysis Tools/Point in Polygon


Query on the new CNT layer -> save buildings with one PNTCNT=1 to
                                                   save buildings with
PNTCNT=0 or PNTCNT>1 to not1address.shp

Vector/Data Management Tools/Join Attributes By Location
  Target Layer: only1address.shp
  Join Vector Layer: AdPt
  To: BuildingsWith1Address

Then I want to remove several fields and create new fields with the field
calculator, to create one field with both French and Dutch names combined.

I create a few more vector layers (one with the other set of building
shapes, one with the address nodes that didn't become one address
buildings) and in the end I need to merge them once again.

Vector/Merge Shapefiles to One

Could somebody get me started with that? Point my nose in the right


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