[Qgis-developer] pull requests

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Fri Nov 8 01:25:28 PST 2013

Hi Devs,

while adding a minor pull request, I saw that we have 30 open pull requests.

While not able to judge them, some of them look like feasable to pull.

Maybe I'm wrong, and they are all nasty ones, but then (as a community)
I think we should at least add a comment to them, telling the requester
that/why it is hard to handle his pull request.

My favourite one

add non-earth coordinate reference systems in to QGIS:

I'm not sure if adding those will be in the way for us earthlings, nor
am I aware how this list of sql-inserts should be incorporated into our
srs.db proces.

But I think it is just cool to know that QGIS could be used in one of
the next Mars-journeys ;-)



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