[Qgis-developer] create plyugin: how to compile .ui and .qrc file in windows?

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Nov 14 00:17:51 PST 2013

Hi Stefano,

The necessary files are already on your computer. They are in
%OSGEO4WRoot%\bin - pyuic4.exe, pyrcc4.exe and designer.exe for creating

If you use the OSGeo4W shell they should already be in the path. If you
use the regular cmd.exe DOS console you should make sure that
%OSGEO4WRoot%\bin is in your PATH variable.

Hope this helps to get started.


Am 14.11.2013 09:08, schrieb Stefano Masera:
> Hi list, 
> I want to create my first plugin and I need to compile .ui and .qrc files. 
> Unfortunately I'm on windows... 
> How can I do? 
> Thanks. 
> Stefano Masera 
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