[Qgis-developer] Disable Syntax Highlighting in DB Manager

Lee Hachadoorian Lee.Hachadoorian+L at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 13:24:55 PST 2013

I find the DB Manager SQL window to be unusable, and have confirmed that 
it is because of syntax highlighting by disabling this feature in my 
installation. There is an issue already in the tracker 
https://hub.qgis.org/issues/6995 entitled "db manager's SQL window 
freezes with long query (due to syntax coloring?)". Giuseppe suggests:

 > Pasting or editing such a query makes highlighting process slow here, 
but it doesn't freeze (it could depend on resources available on my 
notebook). I could check the query length, but using a 124190 chars 
query long is something not usual anyway...

This is correct in that QGIS does not completely stop responding, but 
the latency is so high as to make the dialog unusable for anything other 
than pasting in an already tested query. Try, for example, typing 
`SELECT 1;` into the window, and see how long it takes you. I'm running 
QGIS on a Linux Mint 13 laptop with an i7 processor and 8GB RAM, so I 
don't think this has anything to do with system resources.

At the moment, I have altered my local version by commenting out lines 
34 and 56 of 
/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/db_manager/dlg_sql_window.py. I would 
like to suggest that until some time can be invested in making the 
syntax highlighting functionality usable (if there is even interest in 
doing so for a feature that is just eye candy), that this change be 
tested and incorporated in the official version.

Respectfully and with thanks to those who have created and contributed 
to the DB Manager plugin,

Lee Hachadoorian
Assistant Professor in Geography, Dartmouth College

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