[Qgis-developer] new server

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Sun Oct 6 12:54:11 PDT 2013

On 06-10-13 21:38, Alex Mandel wrote:
> So in terms of the django,  I disagree with that being the priority to
> move, it's actually running quite well now with added ram and builds
> relocated. The biggest competition for resources is actually
> Ruby/Passenger which last I looked was unoptimized the way mod_wsgi is.
> I'll also note, that if we want to squeeze more performance out of
> django we should be looking to move to uwsgi or gunicorn instead of
> mod_wsgi.

Hi Alex,

one reason to start with the django app, is that it seems broken on
current server because of (tim, please correct me if I'm wrong) some
gdal-python breakage (which... is needed for the user map app or so).

So instead of fixing this on current machine, it seemed a nice candidate
to do in a docker. To potentially being moved back to qgis1 later.
One argument for docker is that it is easier to fix this kind of
breakages (because separation of services), because the breakage then is
only in one service/container.

In Nottingham in a talk about Mapproxy (also python/wsgi) by Oliver
Tonnhofer he also promoted the use of gunicorn.... let's put it on our
todo list :-)


Richard Duivenvoorde

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