[Qgis-developer] QGIS 2.0.0 Final Tagged - call for packaging
Pirmin Kalberer
pi_ml at sourcepole.com
Mon Sep 9 02:07:08 PDT 2013
Hi Tim,
Great visual changelog!
Some additional important features:
-QGIS processing framework (aka SEXTANTE)
-OGC WMTS support
-New Raster resampling methods [1]
Some more "minor" QGIS (server) features/improvements:
-Simplified Plugin dialog
-Improved WFS-T Server support
WMS Server:
-Many performance improvements
-Transparency on layer level
-SVG and annotation item as a watermark
-Selectively remove layers, attributes, print compilations of publication
-GetProjectSettings Request
[1] http://sourcepole.com/raster-resampling-in-qgis
Am Montag, 9. September 2013, 04.38:14 schrieb Tim Sutton:
> Dear QGIS devs & packagers
> --- Note to casual readers ---
> Please do not pre-announce this release - give the packagers and release
> team a chance to do their thing so that people hearing about the release
> have a fair chance of finding a package, reading all our press material
> etc.
> Especially for this release, I would like to coincide the release
> announcement with the launch of our new web site which the community team
> and opengeo have been working really hard at. So please wait until we are
> ready to announce before blogging, tweeting, etc, about the new release.
> --- End note ---
> I have tagged QGIS 2.0.0 for release. The branch can be checked out
> like this (as a tracking branch)
> git clone git://github.com/qgis/Quantum-GIS.git
> git branch --track release-2_0 origin/release-2_0
> git checkout release-2_0
> Or (to check out the final tagged version made a few hours ago):
> git fetch
> git checkout final-2_0_0
> The tag is signed with my GPG key:
> user: "Tim Sutton (QGIS Key) <tim at linfiniti.com>"
> 1024-bit DSA key, ID 97626237, created 2007-07-19
> Source tarballs can be obtained from here:
> http://qgis.org/downloads/qgis-2.0.0.tar.bz2
> http://qgis.org/downloads/qgis-2.0.0.tar.bz2.md5
> Packagers:
> Please hold your packages until you hear more from me so that we can
> coordinate the release announcement with the new web site announcement. I
> expect that will be at the end of this week or over the weekend coming.
> Some notes:
> - Please do not commit anything to the 2_0_0 branch except packaging
> related tweaks pending further notification from myself or Juergen.
> - If you make a package please be so kind as to update the download wiki
> page at http://www.qgis.org/wiki/Download with the details of your package
> (taking into account the hold-until-the-site-is-ready note above).
> - If you are able to make packages for unlisted platforms / distros
> please discuss your plans on this thread so that we can avoid duplication
> of effort.
> - I would like to make the release announcement next week, so it will be
> great to have as many packages as possible ready by then.
> - GIT master is open again for general commits - please seek guidance
> from Marco Hugentobler (PSC Code Manager) if you are planning any major
> code changes.
> - Juergen Fischer (incoming PSC Release Manager) will be managing the
> release process for future releases, so please follow his lead in terms of
> code freeze etc in master.
> Many thanks to all the developers, testers, bug fixers, bug reporters,
> document writers, translators and users that help to make QGIS 2.0.0 a
> reality!
> Lastly can I call on the release team (or any interested people) to help to
> put together visual changelog (link below), press announcements etc. ready
> for the release date? I will send you an email when the packages are ready
> and you can start broadcasting announcements.
> Visual Changelog Page: http://changelog.linfiniti.com/version/1/ (this is
> the site for drafting the release, the final release content will be on the
> official QGIS web site). Please contact me if you would like to contribute
> to the changelog and I will give you the needed permissions.
> Best regards
> --
> Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release Manager)
> ==============================================
> Please do not email me off-list with technical
> support questions. Using the lists will gain
> more exposure for your issues and the knowledge
> surrounding your issue will be shared with all.
> Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
> ==============================================
Pirmin Kalberer
Sourcepole - Linux & Open Source Solutions
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