[Qgis-developer] Reprojection problem

Benoît Laurent blaurent at heurisis.eu
Thu Sep 26 05:59:32 PDT 2013


I installed qgis with the standalone installer (2.0.1.-Dufour) on 
Windows 8. As others, I experienced the GRASS path problem. I do not 
know if is bound to, but I also face a reprojection problem. I have a 
project whose CRS is IGNF:Lambert93 and I wish to add a IGNF:LambertI 
raster. Here is the error message :

Impossible de reprojeter l'emrpise de la couche Poursuivre la 
transformation de
(0.031395, 0.841942)
(0.033409, 0.841951)
(0.035422, 0.841958)
(0.037436, 0.841962)
(0.039450, 0.841964)
(0.041464, 0.841965)
(0.043477, 0.841963)
(0.045491, 0.841959)
(0.031381, 0.843288)
(0.033397, 0.843296)
(0.035414, 0.843303)
(0.037431, 0.843307)
(0.039448, 0.843310)
(0.041465, 0.843310)
(0.043481, 0.843308)
(0.045498, 0.843305)
(0.031366, 0.844633)
(0.033386, 0.844642)
(0.035406, 0.844648)
(0.037426, 0.844653)
(0.039446, 0.844655)
(0.041466, 0.844655)
(0.043486, 0.844654)
(0.045505, 0.844650)
(0.031352, 0.845978)
(0.033375, 0.845987)
(0.035398, 0.845993)
(0.037421, 0.845998)
(0.039444, 0.846000)
(0.041467, 0.846001)
(0.043490, 0.845999)
(0.045513, 0.845995)
(0.031337, 0.847323)
(0.033363, 0.847332)
(0.035389, 0.847339)
(0.037415, 0.847343)
(0.039442, 0.847345)
(0.041468, 0.847346)
(0.043494, 0.847344)
(0.045520, 0.847340)
(0.031323, 0.848669)
(0.033352, 0.848677)
(0.035381, 0.848684)
(0.037410, 0.848688)
(0.039439, 0.848691)
(0.041469, 0.848691)
(0.043498, 0.848689)
(0.045527, 0.848686)
(0.031308, 0.850014)
(0.033340, 0.850023)
(0.035373, 0.850029)
(0.037405, 0.850034)
(0.039437, 0.850036)
(0.041470, 0.850036)
(0.043502, 0.850035)
(0.045535, 0.850031)
(0.031293, 0.851359)
(0.033329, 0.851368)
(0.035364, 0.851374)
(0.037400, 0.851379)
(0.039435, 0.851381)
(0.041471, 0.851382)
(0.043506, 0.851380)
(0.045542, 0.851376)
PROJ.4: +proj=lcc +lat_1=49.5 +lat_0=49.5 +lon_0=0 +k_0=0.99987734 
+x_0=600000 +y_0=200000 +a=6378249.2 +b=6356514.999978254 
+nadgrids=ntf_r93.gsb,null +pm=2.337229167 +units=m +no_defs +to 
+proj=lcc +lat_1=44 +lat_2=49 +lat_0=46.5 +lon_0=3 +x_0=700000 
+y_0=6600000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
Erreur: failed to load datum shift file

Thank you in advance for your help.



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