[Qgis-developer] Resurrecting the RFC (QEP - QGIS Enhancement Proposal)

aperi2007 aperi2007 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 24 23:41:29 PDT 2014

only for better understanding every details,
there is a list of actual member list of PSC.

And my curiosity is for the affermations:

>after all, only 3 out of 7 positions are
>meant for developers

I guess a short curriculum of every psc member could help to understand 
the role of everyone.

Also, AOAIK an important question is undrstand the limit of a RFC.
Infact don't forget that the main enhancement are always covered by one 
or more funders.

Tipically they ask an enhancement with some request themself.

This RFC in the QGIS world is obviously after the real fund phase where 
the funders find the developer and contract him.
So what mean that the RFC is submittable to the PSC ?
If the PSC to accept the RFC required more changeables and these 
changeable require more fund, what happened ?

Or this RFC could be submitted before to find the developer and fund him ?

In this second situation, the RFC should be submited from the funders ?



Il 25/08/2014 07:42, Martin Dobias ha scritto:
> I had the same impression as Nyall. PSC is meant to steer direction of
> the whole project, not to deal with technical details of
> implementations in QEPs - after all, only 3 out of 7 positions are
> meant for developers. At the same time I understand that creating
> another "developer" committee would make things more complex.
> I think that voting on QEPs could be started when the QEP's author has
> impression that enough consensus was reached. Most projects also allow
> their RFCs to go to 'deferred' state if the proposal is too
> controversial.

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