[Qgis-developer] Post-release period of portable commits only?

Jürgen E. Fischer jef at norbit.de
Sun Feb 23 02:06:10 PST 2014

Hi Larry,

On Sat, 22. Feb 2014 at 14:33:11 -0700, Larry Shaffer wrote:
> How about for a set period of time, only commits that devs think can readily
> be ported to the 2.2.0 branch are 'allowed' on master? With any code changes,
> which would make porting changes/fixes over to the 2.2.0 branch difficult,
> submitted via pull requests. Maybe for two weeks?

> I think if code is committed to core that steamrolls over the means of
> providing a reasonably timed bug-fix update, it becomes that much harder to
> do so. I also think much user frustration may stem from that vicious cycle,
> and we have an opportunity to fix that *right now*.

> Don't get me wrong. I like the new release schedule. Just looking for ways
> to make it as beneficial for users as it is for devs/packagers.

Our agreement was to not do point releases.  And not because stable release are
a bad thing, but just acknowleding the fact that we don't have the resources to
do everything.  The more we "wasted" on releases, the more we loose on feature

Maybe we should just emphasize more that the four weeks before the release are
not a pure developer thing.  If users want good releases, they should verify
that master is ok before it get released - and not start testing right after
the release.  Of course all testing is welcome, but testing after the release
only contributes to the next release.

So blocking development for another two weeks to backport stuff to a branch
that - unless in the undesired event that something severe wasn't spotted in
the four weeks before the release - won't ever be released, doesn't make sense
to me.

The next release is 117[1] days away.  That might sound far away, but I bet
it's sooner than we think.


[1] http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20140620T12&p0=1440&msg=QGIS+2.4+Release

Jürgen E. Fischer         norBIT GmbH               Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
Dipl.-Inf. (FH)           Rheinstraße 13            Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
Software Engineer         D-26506 Norden               http://www.norbit.de
QGIS PSC member (RM)      Germany                      IRC: jef on FreeNode                         

norBIT Gesellschaft fuer Unternehmensberatung und Informationssysteme mbH
Rheinstrasse 13, 26506 Norden
GF: Jelto Buurman, HR: Amtsgericht Emden, HRB 5502

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