[Qgis-developer] QGIS Web Client improvements

aperi2007 aperi2007 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 04:14:57 PST 2014

On 03/01/2014 13:06, Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> I also think it's not possible at the moment.
> But I like the way it was implemented in other frameworks, all I need 
> is a way to get the style image for a single "class". I guess we need 
> to add a custom WMS method to the QGIS Server.

This is possible using the optional parameter "scale" from wms specs.
Using it and the layers param.
You could identify a single layer and get the legend at a specific scale.

Apy attention:
if you do not specify the scale parameter the wms server will return the 
render to ALL the scale.
This mean tahat the renddering is
a point a little scale and a polygon at large scale,
it will return an mage with a point and a polygon.



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