[Qgis-developer] QGIS Server SLD GetStyles method bug?

Marco Hugentobler marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch
Thu Jan 9 00:40:25 PST 2014

Hi Alessandro

Pull request is applied. Good work!

One thing I noticed is that QgsProjectParser::getStyles uses 
QgsProjectParser::mapLayerFromTypeName. Like that, the styles are only 
returned for layers published as WFS. Is that intentional? Otherwise, 
QgsProjectParser::mapLayerFromStyle might be a better option, as it 
returns the layers published via WMS.


On 06.01.2014 11:37, Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> 2014/1/6 Marco Hugentobler <marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch 
> <mailto:marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch>>
>     Hi
>     QGIS server has its own GetStyle method because implementation of
>     the server started based on WMS 1.3/SLD1.1. It seems OGC GetStyles
>     is only  present in WMS1.1.1/SLD1.0 and has been dropped
>     afterwards. So it seems to me the bug in the server code is that
>     GetStyles is directed to QGIS GetStyle.
>     I'm aware that WMS 1.1.1/SLD1.0 are very frequently used. So a
>     patch to add OGC GetStyles behaviour for 1.1.1 is very welcome.
> Hi Marco,
> thank you for clarifying, you are absolutely right and it seems that 
> it was dropped after 1.0, my issue is related to "GetStyles" request, 
> (please notice the trailing "s"), I used this documentation 
> (02-070_Styled_Layer_Descriptor_Implementation_Specification.pdf, 
> http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=1188)  :
> 13.1. GetStyles
> The GetStyles operation is used to retrieve user-defined styles from a 
> WMS. The
> parameters of the HTTP-GET method are defined as follows:
> Parameter Required Description VERSION Required
>  Version as required by OGC interfaces.
> REQUEST Required Value must be “GetStyles”.
> LAYERS Required Comma-separated list of named layers for which to 
> retrieve style
> descriptions.
> SLDVER Optional The SLD version requested for the SLD document. The 
> default is
> to return the highest version supported by the server. If a version
> is requested that the server does not support, then the next lower
> supported version is supported by the server is returned, or the
> server’s lowest supported version. This is similar to WMS version
> negotiation.
> If I understand this correctly, we should split GetStyle and GetStyles 
> calls and support the second one only if SLDVER is set and 
>  SLDVER=1.0.0, raise an exception if not match.
> GetStyles should then accept the following parameters:
> REQUEST=GetStyles
> LAYERS=comma separated list of TypeNames
> SLDVER=1.0.0 (this seems the only version that supports GetStyles)
> BTW: does anybody know what method took the place of GetStyles after 
> it was dropped?
> -- 
> Alessandro Pasotti
> w3: www.itopen.it <http://www.itopen.it>

Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Sourcepole -  Linux & Open Source Solutions
Weberstrasse 5, CH-8004 Zürich, Switzerland
marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch http://www.sourcepole.ch
Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee

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