[Qgis-developer] Navigation toolbar

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Wed Jul 2 06:13:48 PDT 2014

I found out that the "F5" key did not work because the plugin reloader 
plugin also assigned the F5 key for reloading the selected plugin. I 
closed the bug therefore.


> BTW: I found out that the "F5" key is currently broken. It does not
> reload the canvas. Here is the bug-report:
> http://hub.qgis.org/issues/10777
> Andreas
> Am 2014-07-02 13:19, schrieb Jonathan Moules:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> On 2 July 2014 08:40, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> In addition to the discussion around the selection tool I would
>>> like to discuss a reduction of buttons in the navigation toolbar. I
>>> think it eats way too much screen-space by default. I'd like to
>>> suggest the following:
>>> 1. get rid of the refresh button. I never use it. If you have to
>>> use it, than it is a bug in the software.
>> -1 = Alas there are bugs in QGIS, I do have to use it fairly
>> frequently. More than many on that toolbar actually.
>>> 2. Potentially remove the "Zoom to Layer" button. It is available in
>>> the context menu of the layer and in the "View" menu, should you
>>> need it.
>>> 3. Potentially remove the "Zoom to native resolution button". I
>>> think it is good enough if this functionality is available in the
>>> "View" menu. Do people really use this function? Maybe with raster
>>> layers?
>> +1 Never used it "native resolution" myself from the nav bar. Always
>> right click on a layer - that would probably be the most logical place
>> to leave both functions/
>>> 4. Potentially combine the touch zoom/and pan tool with the pan tool
>>> into a single tool. Is there a specific reason why both of these
>>> tools are available? Doesn't the "Touch zoom and pan" also support
>>> pan with the mouse?
>> +1 I've never been clear what the difference between them is anyway.
>>> 5. Potentially combine the pan to selected and zoom to selected into
>>> a drop-down button menu, like we have with the measure or select
>>> tool.
>> +1 seems sensible.
>>  Just my 2p.
>> Cheers,
>> Jonathan
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