[Qgis-developer] Custom Map Tools

Trevor Wiens tsw.web at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 23:08:38 PDT 2014

I did some more playing with this and found that if I clear layer
selections before and after my plugin with the custom map tools is run the
system does not crash. I had looked at the crash output when running qgis
from command line and found an error suggesting symbols not found so I
suspect that somehow when I removed my active layers when I close the
plugin that QGIS tried to access those layers when I selected a zoom tool
(for example). Doesn't really make sense, but it seems I've found a work
around for now.

Again if anyone has insight into this any explanation would be welcome.



On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 8:15 PM, Trevor Wiens <tsw.web at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm developing a custom application as a python plugin for doing in-person
> map based interviews with indigenous people. For this I need custom map
> tools for drawing and editing map features so I can do some additional
> processing, when map features are created such as recording the time stamp
> (as I'm recording sound simultaneously). At this point I've gotten the
> capture of points and simultaneous audio working nicely but what I am
> finding is after exiting my app (which runs in a panel with all other tool
> bars and such minimized) and restoring the previous state, if I select any
> other map tool, such as pan or in QGIS 2.4 under Linux, disk trashing
> ensures followed by a crash.
> I can simulate this by simply using command line in the python window
> using the canvas.setMapTool function.
> I suspect that somehow the custom map tool for placing points is not being
> cleaned up properly but I'm not sure how to track this down or prevent
> this. I've Googled this issue extensively and can't seem to find any
> similar problems so any help pointing me in the right direction would be
> welcome.
> Thanks in advance

Trevor Wiens
Apropos Information Systems
Calgary, Alberta
Ph. 403-973-5901
Fax 780-666-4580
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