[Qgis-developer] Base maps not printed in LizMap?

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Jul 31 02:02:29 PDT 2014

Hi Paolo,

QGIS web client has a new feature to also print base maps (they are
automatically replaced by corresponding QGIS layers). Just committed a
few days ago:

Of course this doesn't work for external layers not controlled by QGIS

Lizmap could do something similar.


Am 31.07.2014 08:46, schrieb Paolo Cavallini:
> Hi all.
> Apparently base maps are not printed in LizMap; this is correct when
> using proprietary layers, but is a serious hindrance when using one's
> own layers (e.g. ortophoto).
> Is this confirmed? If so, is there a workaround for this?
> Thanks.

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