[Qgis-developer] Relations not editable

Ziegler Stefan Stefan.Ziegler at bd.so.ch
Thu Jun 12 00:15:39 PDT 2014


I set up a new relations in project properties and set the edit widget type to "Relation reference" and marked it as editable. It shows up in the form but I cannot edit the referenced layer (I can edit the layer normally). Can anyone confirm?

I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 and QGIS master.

Freundliche Grüsse 
Stefan Ziegler 

Amt für Geoinformation
Amtliche Vermessung 
Rötistrasse 4 
4500 Solothurn 

Telefon +41 32 627 75 96
Telefax +41 32 627 75 98 
stefan.ziegler at bd.so.ch

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