[Qgis-developer] Release plans

Sandro Santilli strk at keybit.net
Thu Jun 26 22:47:40 PDT 2014

On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 09:03:08AM +1000, Nathan Woodrow wrote:

> a "source" release is like say "yay
> release!....But no you can't have it because your just a user you have to
> wait".

You don't have to wait.
You can have it now if you want.

If you decided to give up your freedom for convenience, you can
wait for someone to also bring you a chair and a pillow.

> On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 05:27:20PM +0200, Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:
>> Looks like announcing the (source) release on qgis-developer
>> and announcing individual packages on qgis-user would solve that problem.

Agreed about splitting the announcement, althought I'd also announce
source release on qgis-user. I don't think hiding existance of "sources"
brings any benefit in the users community.

> This will make no difference, people watch the dev list especially around
> release time for news. Once you announce any kind of "release", source or
> not, you have lost the ability to control where it will go and what people
> expect. Just watch how quick it will hit twitter, and then watch as people
> get confused why there is no download. It's mainly wording, it's all in the
> wording.

I agree about wording being important.

Announcing source release should have a link to the source tarball.

Binary releases might even not need to be announced by the qgis team,
as serious package managers conveniently implement those announces with
user popups and the like...

> People really like our software and some are super excited about the
> release, to not have packages for download really looks bad IMO.

There'll be a source package for download, so those that do not need
a binary package don't have to wait to use it. And those that do _build_
binary packages (for systems you may not even know exist) have a way
to download it and build their packages.

> I know we have a lot of users who love our
> stuff but can't get it when we say it's "out".

They _can_ get it, it may just be not yet wrapped the way which is
more comfortable for them. They only need to be informed about what's
available and what not.

It's like saying you can't say "apples are ripe!" because then people get
frustrated by not finding them on their supermarket shelf.

Nature's PSC: people love apples, stop making them fall on the ground !


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