[Qgis-developer] Working with the new Legend

Gary Sherman gsherman at geoapt.com
Fri Jun 27 14:20:57 PDT 2014

Having read the thread about the new legend merge, I'm wondering if there
is a summary on how to work with it via Python.

I have a plugin that is broken as it relied on being able to move layers up
and down in the legend by grabbing a reference to the QTreeWiget (now gone)
and working with the Qt methods available to it.

I need to:

* insert a layer at a give location
* move a layer to a new position
* remove a layer

It seems we could provide a higher level interface for moving layers
around. The method of adding an existing layer to the legend in a new
position then deleting its twin didn't work for me.

Or perhaps I'm missing something?


Gary Sherman
Chair, QGIS Project Steering Committee
-Open Source GIS Books:
-Alaska Novel:
-Geospatial Consulting & Hosting:
"We work virtually everywhere"
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