[Qgis-developer] Announcing the release of QGIS 2.4 'Chugiak'

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Mon Jun 30 02:20:44 PDT 2014

On 30-06-14 11:04, Régis Haubourg wrote:
> Hi, 
> following users feedback (see [0]), we still seem to be not pushing enough
> changelog / what's new:

> * it is not available from dowload page
> http://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html#
> * from homepage (see [1]), the "check out new features" link in image still
> points today to 2.0 doc. A build trouble? Anyway, this is not directly
> visible to a user, since you have to wait for the banner to slide, or
> manually do the slide operation. A link just under the Download button would
> be good also. 
> [0] https://plus.google.com/113835514638933715428/posts/8HnxnbXFoV4
> [1]
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzatQbprJ-hjZFdIcm9ZbU9uUFE/edit?usp=sharing

We have (work in progress):
where the links points to:

as it is work in progress, we have not brought it upfront...

Tim asked people to write 'items' for the changelog. As that is what it
is: a little application in which people can write an 'item' and add
some screendumps.

The QGIS website get's the feed from that changelog website and
incorporates it in the main website.

To all people wanting to have better "what's new in this version" I
would say: please invest some time in getting to know the way stuff
works and help make it better. We still do not have a marketing
department with people doing that for us :-)


Richard Duivenvoorde

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