[Qgis-developer] Buffering/caching/auto-saving vector styles

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Sun Mar 2 03:07:35 PST 2014


This is a long-standing feature request:

The ability to save more than one style and quickly select a different
version of the stored style definitions. This should only affect the
style and not the field widgets, filtering or other layer properties.

This is also required for certain WMS: For example the SIA 2045 WMS
standard in Switzerland requires to serve a color and a black-and-white
version of the same data.

So, there should be an arbitrary number of saved styles, also for the
same classification method, not just one style per classification method.

QGIS server should list all the available style sets and let the user
choose from one.

Is there already a feature request for this functionality at hub.qgis.org?


Am 01.03.2014 12:33, schrieb Zoltan Szecsei:
> Hi All,
> Sorry about the repeat, but Nathan felt I was hijacking his thread.
> Apologies.
> If there are going to be modifications done to styling, please consider
> adding a feature whereby the various styles chosen or experimented with,
> are auto-saved for that mapsheet (perhaps in your project files).
> I find when editing, edge-matching or QAing various mapsheets, I want to
> easily switch between styles - I might choose "single symbol" for the
> map I am editing, but "rule-based" for the adjoining maps. Rule based
> choices would change depending on scenarios, so it does not make sense
> to save a rule-based set (I could end up with too many).
> So, what I am seeking is the ability to switch between the 5 style
> categories, and not lose the ones I may have set up a few minutes ago.
> If I close QGIS, and come back to the project later, I would like to see
> the last styles I had set up for a mapsheet, still be available when I
> click through the style options.
> Hope I'm making myself clear.
> Thanks & regards,
> Zoltan
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