[Qgis-developer] Fwd: A pipinstall plugin is possible? First: What's the difference between the the Osgeo4w Shell?

Mauro Alberti alberti.m65 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 02:43:53 PST 2014

Hi Jurgen,

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Jürgen E. <jef at norbit.de> wrote:

> > Python installed via Python(x,y), where there is already a plenty of
> > modules installed and it is very easy to install/update via
> > pip/easy_install and so on.
> http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/wiki/ExternalPythonPackages
thanks, I will give it a try.

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