[Qgis-developer] Fwd: [SoC] Google Summer of Code 2014: student application period opens

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 03:12:49 PDT 2014

Hi all,

just an reminder for would-be students and mentors.
Student application period opens. More info below

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anne Ghisla <a.ghisla at gmail.com>
Date: 2014-03-10 20:04 GMT+02:00
Subject: [SoC] Google Summer of Code 2014: student application period opens
To: OSGeo Google Summer of Code list <soc at lists.osgeo.org>, OSGeo
Discuss list <discuss at lists.osgeo.org>, OSGeo Education List
<edu_discuss at lists.osgeo.org>, ICA OSGeo Labs list
<ica-osgeo-labs at lists.osgeo.org>

Hello all, and sorry for cross posting,

in little less than one hour (March 10th, 19:00 UTC) Google Summer of
Code students application period will open [0].
The application period closes in two weeks, on March 21st.

Here [1] is a link to all common questions on GSoC, that cover the
basics about the program and also specific questions on how to apply
and what are the requirements for students and mentors.

OSGeo homepage on Melange shows the application template [2] that
students shall use and will contain the direct link for application

Our suggestions to students are summarized as follows:

- check the eligibility requirements first (see the link to common
- get inspiration and info from the OSGeo Ideas wiki page [3]
- if you are new, introduce yourself to the developer team you wish to
- register on Melange and submit the application, even as draft, not
  later than next week. You are able to edit it or withdraw it anytime
  during the application period.

Interested students and mentors are welcome to ask for clarification on
the soc list soc at lists.osgeo.org or, if privacy is needed, to the
admins directly..

Let us remind that you don't need to already be an expert to take part
to GSoC - if you are unsure, just ask what are the required skills for
a given idea!

[0] GSoC homepage
[1] GSoC FAQ
[2] OSGeo application template for students
[3] OSGeo Ideas

Looking forward for great applications,

Anne, Hamish and Dustan
OSGeo GSoC Admins

SoC mailing list
SoC at lists.osgeo.org

Alexander Bruy
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