[Qgis-developer] Labeling unit tests and bug fixing

Larry Shaffer larrys at dakotacarto.com
Tue Mar 25 17:19:53 PDT 2014


I've mostly finished the labeling unit test framework (at least for *nix).
You can read about the setup in its README [0] and about the local test
server [1], if interested.

I'm happy to report that there is considerably good parity between all
outputs now (at least from my testing on Mac), especially since the advent
of mulit-threaded rendering. However, there are only a few actual unit
tests right now. The only outstanding issues revolve around too much
antialiasing in test renders.

There is still some CMake coding to do, adding modules for the now-required
utilities when ENABLE_TESTS=ON. These are currently:

* lighttpd (local HTTP server)
* spawn-fcgi (qgis_mapserv.fcgi spawner)
* poppler, with cairo support (composer PDF -> image rasterizer, for

There still needs config files set up for lighttpd/spawn-fcgi on Windows.

I'll be triaging labeling bugs and trying to fix them, while ensuring
regression tests are in place and passing. Then I'll add more unit tests
for general API stuff.

Lastly, I will be putting forth a proposal concerning a redesign of the
labeling classes, which includes rule- and style-based labeling. That will
come after an effort on the previously noted bug fixing.

Any help with the bug squashing (or anything related to this stuff) would
be greatly appreciated. :-)

[0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/tree/master/tests/testdata/labeling


Larry Shaffer
Dakota Cartography
Black Hills, South Dakota
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