[Qgis-developer] Ticket opening

Jorge Tornero - Listas jtorlistas at gmail.com
Wed May 7 02:51:46 PDT 2014

Thank you very much, Alexander.

Jorge Tornero

El 07/05/14 10:37, Alexander Bruy escribió:
> Hi,
> there is already a document about creating tickets [0]
> [0] http://www.qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/index#bugs-features-and-issues.html
> 2014-05-07 11:08 GMT+03:00 Jorge Tornero - Listas <jtorlistas at gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>> are there any directives out there about what to attach to a ticket?
>> I'm going to file one or two relative to globe plugin and I want to know
>> what information (debug outputs, etc) would be useful for the developers
>> prior to file it,
>> Don't know if there is already any document relative to this. Any directions
>> would be much appreciated. Also I would like to suggest the creation of a
>> guide to perform this, for those who are willing to help but not very
>> skilly.
>> Best regards,
>> Jorge Tornero
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