[Qgis-developer] Stability (2.8 LTS) vs development (3.0), a proposed way forward
Anita Graser
anitagraser at gmx.at
Sun Nov 9 23:11:23 PST 2014
Are you aware of QEP3? Please read Tim's suggestion. There are good reasons
for this stable 4 month cycle at exactly the current release times of the
Best wishes
On Nov 10, 2014 5:57 AM, "Geo DrinX" <geodrinx at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes yes yes.
> +1
> but also +999 :)
> Roberto
> 2014-11-10 2:27 GMT+01:00 Mathieu Pellerin <nirvn.asia at gmail.com>:
>> Guys,
>> The recent thread Nyall kick-started with his “QGIS 3.0?” email got me
>> to think about the eternal stability vs. development dilemma it
>> (re-)exposed through the conversation.
>> More specifically, it got me to brainstorm on the best way forward for
>> QGIS at this juncture and whether there's a way to accommodate both the
>> folks calling for a 2.8 LTS version, and others in need for space to
>> further develop and expand QGIS' capability.
>> And, I might just have found a way to do so. Here's the proposal, in a
>> couple of points:
>> - We make the 2.8 development cycle “fix and refinement”-only, and reduce
>> the cycle's length to 6 to 8 weeks;
>> - The reduced cycle will help everyone's focus on the above goal;
>> - We append the freed 8-10 weeks to the subsequent development cycle,
>> which would become QGIS 3.0;
>> - The expanded cycle will help give space to develop some of the exciting
>> features being cooked by developers (Nyall's Layouts, Marco's Geometry
>> redesign, etc.) and bulletproof those.
>> This, IMHO, caters to both groups demanding stability and space for
>> development. It doesn't discourage or delay too much the grand scheme
>> changes, and pushes out a 2.8 version focused on stability through a
>> shorter cycle focusing on delivering a perfected tool.
>> The above proposal does require a momentary lapse of the nice 4-month
>> release cycle rhythm which the QGIS has successfully maintained for three
>> releases now. But, it might actually be what's needed at this very time.
>> Plus, the length of the two cycles stays the same, 8 months.
>> Comments? I'm obviously particularly interested in what Jürgen has to say
>> :)
>> Cheers
>> Math
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