[Qgis-developer] Right click event from QgsMapCanvas

Theuns Heydenrych theunsheydenrych at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 02:01:47 PST 2014

First I would like to apologise for sending a mail without a subject, had
some finger trouble there, sorry.

In QGIS versions before 2.6 , I could right click and show a custom "popup
menu" from the QgsMapCanvas, but not anymore. Its like something is
consuming the right click event on the QgsMapCanvas.
Do anyone know anything about this?
How can I get a right click event from the QgsMapCanvas again?

I have connected a slot to the customContextMenuRequested signal of the
QWidget where on my QgsMapCanvas instance is displaying. In versions before
2.6 i could display my custom menu on a right click on the QgsMapCanvas,
but not anymore. :-(

Theuns Heydenrych
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