[Qgis-developer] PostGIS warning details in QGIS master

Pedro Venâncio pedrongvenancio at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 08:23:44 PDT 2014

Hi Denis,

Now copy/paste tries to convert geometries to match layer destination. So,
> you probably had incompatible geometries like trying to paste lines in a
> point layer.
Not in this case. Both layers were geometry (MultiLineString,20790).

In previous versions the only problem that the warning message showed was a
violation of the PK constraint (as you can see in the images). And, in
fact, after that I did the job in QGIS master DB Manager, with an insert
into and select, skiping the PK field (serial), and it worked well.

Tested with today's QGIS master from OSGeo4W (64bits).


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