[Qgis-developer] Render with labels

Geo DrinX geodrinx at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 02:25:24 PDT 2014


Sorry if I repeat my question that I sent some time ago,  but it seems
very relevant
to the topic.

I noticed that using  the    .render()    function  with  pyQgis > 2.2
the labels are not  visible.

This is my test source code (taken from my GEarthView plugin):

                iface = qgis.utils.iface

                mapRenderer = mapCanvas.mapRenderer()
                mapRect = mapRenderer.extent()
                width = mapRenderer.width()
                height = mapRenderer.height()
                srs = mapRenderer.destinationCrs()

                # create output image and initialize it
                image = QImage(QSize(width, height), QImage.Format_ARGB32)

                #adjust map canvas (renderer) to the image size and render
                imagePainter = QPainter(image)

                zoom = 1
                target_dpi = int(round(zoom * mapRenderer.outputDpi()))

                mapRenderer.setOutputSize(QSize(width, height), target_dpi)


                xN = mapRect.xMinimum()
                yN = mapRect.yMinimum()

                nomePNG = ("TestImage")

                input_file = out_folder + "/" + nomePNG + ".png"

                image.save(input_file, "png")

So, my question is :  how need to change my code to have labels again
visible ?


Thank you for any link and answer


2014-10-05 22:18 GMT+02:00 Anita Graser <anitagraser at gmx.at>:

> Am 05.10.2014, 18:54 Uhr, schrieb Larry Shaffer <larrys at dakotacarto.com>:
>> Here's a small script you can use to test the Python bindings for labeling
> Thanks a lot Larry! I'll give it a try!
>  Feel free to add this to the Cookbook. However, the API for labeling may
>> change during the 2.7 dev cycle, if rule- and style-based labeling is
>> introduced.
> You mean it will change without breaking it? ;-)
> Best wishes,
> Anita
> --
> anitagraser.com
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