[Qgis-developer] Bug - Multiline text edition in attribute table -> delete field content !

kimaidou kimaidou at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 08:21:17 PDT 2014

Hi list,

A user reported a bug during edition of an attribute table under QGIS2.4.

To reproduce :

* create a vector layer with one "text" field (for example "foo") and add
it in the current project
* open layer properties / Field tab, and check the "multiline" property of
the "Text edit" for the field "foo"
* create 2 features with some content in the "foo" field
* save layer session and deactivate edition
* open attribute table, activate edition, toggle to the Form view
* click on one of the line in the left panel -> the line label changes into
* click on another line in the left panel -> same behaviour.
* go back and select the first line -> the value in the "foo" field has bee
completely erased
* toggle edition off, save -> no more values in the "foo" field.

I have not been able to find a correponding issue in the hub. I created
this one :

Please comment there.

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