[Qgis-developer] PyDev Debugging Protocol changes; remote debug plug-in issues

Bill Bishop qgis-devel at wrbishop.com
Thu Sep 11 13:07:03 PDT 2014

Hi Pirmin,

 I can only speak to the breakpoint code, since I didn't dig any deeper;
but w/respect to that:

on line 583 (or so) of pydevd.py (in the remote debug plug-in), the
breakpoint parsing code is:

file, line, condition = text.split('\t', 2)

A new parameter (I'll call it bpid for "breakpoint ID") is now sent, and
must be parsed thusly:

bpid, file, line, condition = text.split('\t', 3)

That was the easy part.  When clearing the breakpoint, instead of
passing the line number (like PyDev used to), the breakpoint ID is
passed, so the line number must be associated with the breakpoint ID
somewhere to clear it:

bpid, file = text.split('\t', 1)  # Line 628 or so

I changed the breakpoint "set" code, but it usually took a couple of
passes through the routine before the breakpoint became "active" and
execution actually halted -- not sure what that's about.

 I couldn't find any documentation on the PyDev site about the debugging
protocol, and what else might have changed.

Thank you!



On 09/11/2014 01:25 PM, Pirmin Kalberer wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> On Thursday, September 11, 2014 10:37:51 AM Bill Bishop wrote:
>>    Is anyone successfully using the remote debug plug-in with PyDev &
>> Eclipse?   I tried using it, and noticed that the debugging protocol
>> used by PyDev appears to have changed, thus rendering the remote debug
>> plug-in less than useful.   The plug-in "appeared" to work at-first, but
>> when it was tried seriously, the issues emerged (specifically use of
>> break-points).
>> Has this been verified (by someone else)?  Is someone working on it?
>>  Remote debug plug-in version: 0.2.0; Eclipse Version 3.8.1; QGIS
>> Version 2.2.0; PyDev version 3.6.0
> I'm not working with PyDev anymore, so I can't reproduce your problem.
> I've heard that Richard (CC) has also problems with his IDE. If you can give 
> me a hint what has to be changed, I'm happy to include it in a new version of 
> the plugin.
> Regards
> Pirmin

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