[Qgis-developer] QGIS sometimes freezes in Windows 7 x64

Casper Børgesen (CABO) CABO at NIRAS.DK
Mon Sep 22 00:55:47 PDT 2014

Too often QGIS 2.5 weekly (it happens in 2.4 too) tends to freeze while drawing the layers. It normally happens when I move around or zoom out, but I think it can happen when displaying a layer after loading it). So I guess it has something to do with drawing data or accessing data from the source.

I would like to report this issue (or these issues), but I am not ready to begin debugging QGIS yet.

How can I best help you devs in investigating the issue?

-          Is there a log file I can gain anything from?

-          I don't get any messages about a minidump.

-          QGIS is not responding, so I can't access the message log.

-          Normally QGIS doesn't return to a working/responding state.

My OS is Windows 7 x64 and QGIS is 2.5.0-37 weekly (e46aa62).

Regards Casper
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