[Qgis-developer] FW: QGIS sometimes freezes in Windows 7 x64

Casper Børgesen (CABO) CABO at NIRAS.DK
Mon Sep 22 04:16:44 PDT 2014

Hi Matthias.

I was a little too fast in my previous mail. The final lines from DebugView wasn't from QGIS but from my browser :|

Here I have the last lines DebugView received before QGIS stopped responding:

[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsgeometry.cpp(99) : (throwGEOSException) GEOS exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid number of points in LinearRing found 3 - must be 0 or >= 4
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsmessagelog.cpp(45) : (QgsMessageLog::logMessage) 2014-09-22T11:13:18 GEOS[1] Exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid number of points in LinearRing found 3 - must be 0 or >= 4
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsgeometry.cpp(99) : (throwGEOSException) GEOS exception: Shell is not a LinearRing
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsgeometry.cpp(99) : (throwGEOSException) GEOS exception: Unknown exception thrown
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsmessagelog.cpp(45) : (QgsMessageLog::logMessage) 2014-09-22T11:13:18 GEOS[1] Exception: Unknown exception thrown
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 168.394
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 102.666
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 833.704
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 478.677
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 38.1777
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 151.12
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 103.168
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 52.8621
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 438.352
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 25.2053
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 170.431
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 99.6111
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 202.807
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 90.8665
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 876.251
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 27.3638
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 10.4099
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 216.654
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 59.3376
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 25.7175
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 180.529
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 52.8843
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 25.0405
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 105.873
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 64.4153
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 583.179
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsgeometry.cpp(114) : (printGEOSNotice) GEOS notice: Self-intersection at or near point 589524.48301059031 6137553.1100000003
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 17.6636
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsdistancearea.cpp(302) : (QgsDistanceArea::measure) returning 14.6924
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\..\src\providers\ogr\qgsogrfeatureiterator.cpp(76) : (QgsOgrFeatureIterator::QgsOgrFeatureIterator) Setting spatial filter using POLYGON((577625.38535002 6135425.78990850, 577625.38535002 6146539.10048637, 596120.78136340 6146539.10048637, 596120.78136340 6135425.78990850, 577625.38535002 6135425.78990850))
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\..\src\providers\ogr\qgsogrfeatureiterator.cpp(76) : (QgsOgrFeatureIterator::QgsOgrFeatureIterator) Setting spatial filter using POLYGON((577625.38535002 6135425.78990850, 577625.38535002 6146539.10048637, 596120.78136340 6146539.10048637, 596120.78136340 6135425.78990850, 577625.38535002 6135425.78990850))
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsmaprenderercustompainterjob.cpp(239) : (QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob::doRender) Done rendering map layers
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsmaprenderercustompainterjob.cpp(250) : (QgsMapRendererJob::drawLabeling) Draw labeling start
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsvectorlayer.cpp(340) : (QgsVectorLayer::drawLabels) Starting draw of labels: JORDSTYKKE20140919113444471
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsvectorlayer.cpp(340) : (QgsVectorLayer::drawLabels) Starting draw of labels: BYGNING_area20140919113439003
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsvectorlayer.cpp(340) : (QgsVectorLayer::drawLabels) Starting draw of labels: building_points20140919113435030
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsvectorlayer.cpp(340) : (QgsVectorLayer::drawLabels) Starting draw of labels: result20140919113349264

Here are the lines DebugView received when QGIS suddenly came back to life ([10468] looks like the process-id, so I think the two sets of entries are related):

[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsmaprenderercustompainterjob.cpp(179) : (QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob::futureFinished) QPAINTER futureFinished
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsmaprenderersequentialjob.cpp(119) : (QgsMapRendererSequentialJob::internalFinished) SEQUENTIAL finished
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\gui\qgsmapcanvas.cpp(667) : (QgsMapCanvas::rendererJobFinished) CANVAS finish! 1
[10468] Warning: bool __cdecl QClipboard::event(class QEvent *): Cowardly refusing to send clipboard message to hung application...
[10468] 0: QgsIdentifyResultsWebView::createWindow [3fe8c9e6]
[10468] 1: qt_message_output [7771b060]
[10468] 2: qt_message_output [7771b060]
[10468] 3: qWarning [7771b3e0]
[10468] 4: QClipboard::event [64677760]
[10468] 5: QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper [64612730]
[10468] 6: QApplication::notify [64613a30]
[10468] 7: QgsNetworkAccessManager::trUtf8 [c7b86f72]
[10468] 8: QCoreApplication::notifyInternal [778018b0]
[10468] 9: QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor [64673be0]
[10468] 10: TranslateMessageEx [76f59930]
[10468] 11: SetWindowTextW [76f57054]
[10468] 12: IsDialogMessageW [76f566c0]
[10468] 13: KiUserCallbackDispatcher [771b11d6]
[10468] 14: PeekMessageW [76f58fd0]
[10468] 15: PeekMessageW [76f58fd0]
[10468] 16: QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents [77829de0]
[10468] 17: QApplicationPrivate::translateTouchEvent [646732b0]
[10468] 18: QEventLoop::exec [77800b90]
[10468] 19: QCoreApplication::exec [77805630]
[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsmessagelog.cpp(45) : (QgsMessageLog::logMessage) 2014-09-22T12:23:34 Qt[1] bool __cdecl QClipboard::event(class QEvent *): Cowardly refusing to send clipboard message to hung application...
[10468] Warning: bool __cdecl QClipboard::event(class QEvent *): Cowardly refusing to send clipboard message to hung application...
[10468] 0: QgsIdentifyResultsWebView::createWindow [3fe8c9e6]
[10468] 1: qt_message_output [7771b060]
[10468] 2: qt_message_output [7771b060]
[10468] 3: qWarning [7771b3e0]
[10468] 4: QClipboard::event [64677760]
[10468] 5: QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper [64612730]
[10468] 6: QApplication::notify [64613a30]
[10468] 7: QgsNetworkAccessManager::trUtf8 [c7b86f72]
[10468] 8: QCoreApplication::notifyInternal [778018b0]
[10468] 9: QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor [64673be0]
[10468] 10: TranslateMessageEx [76f59930]
[10468] 11: SetWindowTextW [76f57054]
[10468] 12: IsDialogMessageW [76f566c0]
[10468] 13: KiUserCallbackDispatcher [771b11d6]
[10468] 14: PeekMessageW [76f58fd0]
[10468] 15: PeekMessageW [76f58fd0]
[10468] 16: QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents [77829de0]
[10468] 17: QApplicationPrivate::translateTouchEvent [646732b0]
[10468] 18: QEventLoop::exec [77800b90]
[10468] 19: QCoreApplication::exec [77805630]

Does this help clarify what happens?`

Regards, Casper

-----Original Message-----
From: qgis-developer-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:qgis-developer-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Casper Børgesen (CABO)
Sent: 22. september 2014 11:26
To: Matthias Kuhn; qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS sometimes freezes in Windows 7 x64

Hi Matthias.

I have tried DebugView and shortly after QGIS stopped responding. It gave me loads of information, much more than I will post here.

I can see a lot of invalid geometry exceptions regarding "Invalid number of points in linear ring": 

[10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsgeometry.cpp(99) : (throwGEOSException) GEOS exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid number of points in LinearRing found 3 - must be 0 or >= 4 [10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsmessagelog.cpp(45) : (QgsMessageLog::logMessage) 2014-09-22T11:12:46 GEOS[1] Exception: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid number of points in LinearRing found 3 - must be 0 or >= 4 [10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsgeometry.cpp(99) : (throwGEOSException) GEOS exception: Shell is not a LinearRing [10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsgeometry.cpp(99) : (throwGEOSException) GEOS exception: Unknown exception thrown [10468] ..\..\..\..\..\src\core\qgsmessagelog.cpp(45) : (QgsMessageLog::logMessage) 2014-09-22T11:12:46 GEOS[1] Exception: Unknown exception thrown

Some of these exceptions are also written to the QGIS message window (which I have open outside the QGIS window). 
I guess they comes from the geometry simplification used by QGIS to speed up rendering.

I have attached the final lines from DebugView[1] and I guess they are responsible for QGIS not responding.

Should I create an issue for this?

Regards, Casper

[1] DebugView final information:

[6396] 13d:22:44:54:135 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:45:24:259 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:45:31:310 6396 12260 INFO LPToolbarCtrl.cpp:1301    : TimerCheckForUpdate                  : skipping updatecheck since we recently already checked. secleft=2520 
[6396] 13d:22:45:54:274 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[16460] myMailItemClass.start 
[6396] 13d:22:46:24:382 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:46:31:324 6396 12260 INFO LPToolbarCtrl.cpp:1301    : TimerCheckForUpdate                  : skipping updatecheck since we recently already checked. secleft=2460 
[6396] 13d:22:46:54:412 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:47:24:442 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:47:31:338 6396 12260 INFO LPToolbarCtrl.cpp:1301    : TimerCheckForUpdate                  : skipping updatecheck since we recently already checked. secleft=2400 
[6396] 13d:22:47:54:457 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:48:24:471 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:48:31:351 6396 12260 INFO LPToolbarCtrl.cpp:1301    : TimerCheckForUpdate                  : skipping updatecheck since we recently already checked. secleft=2340 
[6396] 13d:22:48:54:580 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:49:24:703 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:49:31:365 6396 12260 INFO LPToolbarCtrl.cpp:1301    : TimerCheckForUpdate                  : skipping updatecheck since we recently already checked. secleft=2280 
[6396] 13d:22:49:54:734 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:50:24:951 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:50:31:378 6396 12260 INFO LPToolbarCtrl.cpp:1301    : TimerCheckForUpdate                  : skipping updatecheck since we recently already checked. secleft=2220 
[6396] 13d:22:50:54:981 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:51:25:105 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:51:31:392 6396 12260 INFO LPToolbarCtrl.cpp:1301    : TimerCheckForUpdate                  : skipping updatecheck since we recently already checked. secleft=2160 
[6396] 13d:22:51:55:229 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2 
[6396] 13d:22:52:25:337 6396 12260 INFO ..\LPBrowserSink.cpp:1408 : LPBrowserSink::NavigateComplete2     : sending : WM_LP_NAVIGATECOMPLETE2

-----Original Message-----
From: qgis-developer-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:qgis-developer-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Matthias Kuhn
Sent: 22. september 2014 11:06
To: qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS sometimes freezes in Windows 7 x64

Hi Casper

On 22.09.2014 10:24, Casper Børgesen (CABO) wrote:
> I can see the see the yellow balloon tip informing me of messages added to the message window just before QGIS stops responding. But I can't see the messages since QGIS is not responding.

I'm not a windows user, but if I remember correctly you can get debug information with the tool debugview [1] (only on debug builds - that means 2.5/master but not 2.4). Maybe you get some interesting information there?

Thank you for taking the time to help resolve this problem.


[1] http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896647.aspx
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