[Qgis-developer] SPIT core plugin - can be we remove it?

m roy royroge at outlook.com
Mon Dec 7 03:04:26 PST 2015

Il 07/12/2015 09:51, Nyall Dawson ha scritto:
> On 7 December 2015 at 19:49, m roy <royroge at outlook.com> wrote:
>> Il 07/12/2015 02:51, Nathan Woodrow ha scritto:
>> Hi all,
>> SPIT is now removed from core.  If there is anything missing in the current
>> stuff that was in SPIT please open a ticket so it can be address in DB
>> Manager.
>> Shapefile bulk import, is there a way with DBmanager
>> to import say 15 shapefile at once?
> Processing can be used to do bulk imports.
> Nyall
About processing "Import into PostGIS":

It would be nice to have an option to select the schema
for all layers to be imported, maybe populating the schema
values of the "Run as batch process..." dialog using the
"Schema (schema name)" value in the main "Import into PostGIS" dialog;
otherwise you have to manually edit the schema value for every single
layer, not handy.

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