[Qgis-developer] Documentation of QgsProject.clearProperties

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Sat Feb 14 11:03:33 PST 2015


I would like to ask for your feedback to improve the documentation
of QgsProject.clearProperties (
I'm afraid the current wording is dangerously confusing. Only one of the
last lines gets to the point that it "removes all project properties".

Imho, that should be the first line. And add a fat exclamation mark too.
Currently it reads like the function is totally harmless and only clears
some plugin properties:

syntactic sugar for property lists

extra properties, typically added by plug-ins

This allows for extra properties to be associated with projects. Think of
it as a registry bound to a project.

Properties are arbitrary values keyed by a name and associated with a
scope. The scope would presumably refer to your plug-in. E.g.,
... It somehow reads like these lines don't actually belong to this method
but are ment to describe something else.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Thanks and best wishes,
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