[Qgis-developer] python code in form

Luca Lanteri lklanteri at gmail.com
Sun Jan 4 13:39:56 PST 2015


I'm using the init python function in order to add python code into my QGIS
forms. This is a great function because I can add intelligence to my form
without write a plugin, but I still have some problems:
- I want to store qml and .ui file directly into Postgres so that when my
users load a layer from postrgres they've my forms and styles, without pass
to us a qgis project, but in this way I loose the python code. Is there a
way to store also the python code in postgres or into qml?
- when I change my python code, qgis can't auto reload it. I have to save
the file with a different name and I have to change the name in the layer
properties. Is there a way to force autoreload of the code, also only for

I also thought to move my code in a plugin to bypass those problems but I
think I've to rewrite all useful function that come with the forms
properties, eg: the combo population. is It right or there's a way to
include the QGIS forms add-on into a plugin?

Sorry for my newbie's question and thanks in advance.
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