[Qgis-developer] GdalTools plug-in clipper

Siki Zoltan siki at agt.bme.hu
Fri Jan 9 08:58:50 PST 2015

Hi List,

I found a bug in GdalTools/Clipper, when a mask layer is used with a 
filter expression, the generated gdalwarp command is is not valid.
The generated  command looks like this:
gdalwarp -q -cutline "poly.shp|layerid=0|subset=\"Nev\" = 'Heves'"
-crop_to_cutline input.tif output.tif

the correct command would be:
gdalwarp -q -cutline "poly.shp" -cwhere="Nev='Heves'"
-crop_to_cutline input.tif output.tif

I suppose in getArgsModeMask (doClipper.py) after line 167 the mask should 
be processed if it contains "|".

Best regards,

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