[Qgis-developer] Point feature labels: add a "buffer" option around point features

Nyall Dawson nyall.dawson at gmail.com
Sun Jul 19 17:38:19 PDT 2015

On 19 Jul 2015 11:37 pm, "Andreas Neumann" <a.neumann at carto.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have yet another label question: would it be possible to add a "buffer"
option around labels to avoid overlapping of labels with point features,
like shown in the attached file: the last "f" of "Nänikon/Bahnhof" overlaps
with the point feature of "Nänikon/Volg".
> I had the option "Discourage Labels from Covering Features" on, but it
probably only takes the point into account and no buffer around the point,
so it still overlaps with the point symbol.

Correct... It only considers a zero size point as the obstacle and doesn't
account for the size of the marker.

I guess the ideal solution would be if the actual marker's bounding box is
considered to be the obstacle.

It's possible (and not too complex for single symbol renderers), but would
be a bit of work to make it handle the other renderer types without
affecting speed.

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