[Qgis-developer] Questions regarding new geometry engine

Marco Hugentobler marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch
Fri Jun 5 02:20:09 PDT 2015

On 05.06.2015 09:17, Denis Rouzaud wrote:
> Hi Marco,
> Can you tell me if these two issues are related to your work?
> http://hub.qgis.org/issues/12885
> http://hub.qgis.org/issues/12886

I think so, therefore assigned the tickets to me.


> Thanks a lot,
> Denis
> 2015-06-04 15:52 GMT+02:00 Marco Hugentobler 
> <marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch 
> <mailto:marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch>>:
>     Hi Nyall
>     >Firstly, I *think* that there's an issue with the
>     >inheritance of some of the classes. Specifically QgsMultiLineStringV2
>     >and QgsMultiPolygonV2. Currently both of these derive from
>     >QgsGeometryCollectionV2, but I think they should derive from
>     >QgsMultiCurveV2 and QgsMultiSurfaceV2. This would seem logical to me
>     >since QgsLineStringV2 derives from QgsCurveV2 and QgsPolygonV2
>     derives
>     >from QgsCurvePolygonV2. It also would match with how I understand the
>     >OGC simple features access specification describes (see -
>     >MultiCurve should be non-instantiable, 6.1.9 multiline is a
>     >multicurve, and and 6.1.14 for the corresponding
>     >multisurface/multipolygon types). What's your thoughts?
>     Yes, in the ISO and OGC models, MultiPolygon inherits from
>     MultiSurface and MultiLineString from MultiCurve. The
>     implementation of the geometryV2 classes differs a bit compared to
>     the model, because most methods are implemented on
>     GeometryCollection level (e.g. in the ISO model, length() and
>     area() are not in the collection class). So there is little
>     practical relevance if QgsMultiPolygon is derived from
>     MultiSurface (and overwrites all its methods) or from
>     GeometryCollection. One exception is the segmentize() method. By
>     default (straight geometries), this is equal to a normal clone().
>     As MultiSurface needs to overwrite it (may contain curved
>     geometries), MultiPolygon would need to overwrite it again with
>     the default behaviour if it was derived from MultiSurface.
>     >MultiCurve should be non-instantiable
>     In the OGC model, it is non-instantiable. In the ISO model (which
>     is relevant here), it is left to the implementation if it is
>     instantiable or not.
>     Regards,
>     Marco
>     On 03.06.2015 09:05, Marco Hugentobler wrote:
>         Hi Nyall
>         Thanks for your input. I'll back in the office tomorrow and
>         can give you more detailed answers to the technical questions.
>         To the technical issues:
>         Yes, I plan to fix them in the next time, but definitely
>         before release ( fixed #12857 and started to look at #12836
>         already). I think you should focus on other bugs, otherwise we
>         risk to do the same work twice.
>         Regards,
>         Marco
>         Am 02.06.2015 um 23:34 schrieb Nyall Dawson:
>             Hi Marco (also cc-ing dev list)
>             I've been looking over the new geometry engine and it's
>             really nice
>             stuff. It's fantastic to have this in QGIS and it's a huge
>             improvement
>             over the old geometry class. Thank you!
>             I have a couple of questions regarding this which I'm
>             hoping you can
>             clarify for me. Firstly, I *think* that there's an issue
>             with the
>             inheritance of some of the classes. Specifically
>             QgsMultiLineStringV2
>             and QgsMultiPolygonV2. Currently both of these derive from
>             QgsGeometryCollectionV2, but I think they should derive from
>             QgsMultiCurveV2 and QgsMultiSurfaceV2. This would seem
>             logical to me
>             since QgsLineStringV2 derives from QgsCurveV2 and
>             QgsPolygonV2 derives
>             from QgsCurvePolygonV2. It also would match with how I
>             understand the
>             OGC simple features access specification describes (see
>    -
>             MultiCurve should be non-instantiable, 6.1.9 multiline is a
>             multicurve, and and 6.1.14 for the corresponding
>             multisurface/multipolygon types). What's your thoughts?
>             Secondly, are you able to share your plans for bug fixing
>             leading up
>             to 2.10? There's a number of serious regressions following
>             this work,
>             and I'm wondering if I should be focusing on these during the
>             sponsored bug fixing or whether you plan to tackle them before
>             release? The biggest issues I see are:
>             - #12836 : layers fail to render
>             - unfiled: I get a lot of unknown exceptions when working with
>             geometries. I can reproduce this consistently by trying to
>             use the
>             reshape tool on a polygon, or by rotating a map within the
>             canvas or a
>             composer.
>             - #12843: simplify tool broken
>             - i noticed there's also a number of stubbed methods in
>             geometry with
>             todo comments (eg QgsGeometry::buffer ).
>             If you can share your plans then I can plan my work
>             accordingly.
>             Again, thanks again for this fantastic work!
>             Nyall
>     -- 
>     Dr. Marco Hugentobler
>     Sourcepole -  Linux & Open Source Solutions
>     Weberstrasse 5, CH-8004 Zürich, Switzerland
>     marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch
>     <mailto:marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch> http://www.sourcepole.ch
>     Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee
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Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Sourcepole -  Linux & Open Source Solutions
Weberstrasse 5, CH-8004 Zürich, Switzerland
marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch http://www.sourcepole.ch
Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee

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