[Qgis-developer] Telemetry Layer (new release made)

Andrew McClure andrew at southweb.co.nz
Wed Jun 17 21:43:19 PDT 2015

Have just uploaded a new version of our experimental Telemetry Layer (MQTT <-> QGIS integration) plugin.

Am reasonably happy with this release.  There are things missing, and no doubt some defects, but what is there seems quite stable and provides a nice framework for extension.

An example sample plugin that uses the Telemetry Layer classes is provided showing how to sub class a topic manager and feature dock to provide customised styling and behaviour on a per layer/per feature basis.

Each feature is a topic and additional variables (i.e. like tank height settings for a water tank) can be set via V2Widgets ( hmm. side note -  is there a plan to upgrade the default feature dialog to support better names and tool tips for each widget?)

Payloads by default are formatted by custom $qgsfuncs but options to access/modify/render the underlying payload data before being committed to its feature or via the floating dock interface is possible.

Feature dock parent classes exist for basic text; a simple toggle switch showing the use of an 'mqtt publish', and an SVG widget using QSvgWidget  (that does currently does nothing but looks really cool).

Possible use cases for the future:

- Move features using GPS coords as payloads
- Show images from fixed web cams or update a raster layer
- Standard HMI functions to control/view sensors and actuators
- UAV integration

If you can see the potential and are excited by this, a helping hand or some crowd funding is always welcome. High on my list are:

- creating the logic for a range of SVG controls (dials, switches, sliders, meters etc.)
- performing the transforms from GPS coords to dx/dy and adding the logic for moving features based on this
- migrating the Rule Based layer formatter from static .qml file to programmatic creation
- more cross platform testing

Github here:


Thanks for your time.


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