[Qgis-developer] Q/A Compiler Warnings

Matthias Kuhn matthias at opengis.ch
Mon Jun 22 06:29:16 PDT 2015

On 06/22/2015 02:03 PM, Nyall Dawson wrote:
> On 16 June 2015 at 21:54, Matthias Kuhn <matthias at opengis.ch> wrote:
>> In the quest for an always closer-to-perfection state of code, some
>> goblins tried to get the warning count (on gcc and clang) yesterday as
>> close to zero as possible. This was done in order to allow you (as a
>> developer) to see if your code changes cause warnings without scrolling
>> through heaps of meaningless warnings.
> Thanks goblins! Your work in much appreciated :)
>> At the moment most of the warnings left originate from the geometry
>> refactoring and point to empty methods which have not yet been
>> implemented. These warnings point to real problems and should be fixed
>> as soon as possible, in order to have some time left before release to
>> be able to test the fixes before the release. @Marco, what is your
>> schedule concerning these?
> I've just pushed some fixes to master which reimplement these stubbed
> methods and comment out some of the unimplemented new methods. 2.10
> release was approaching too close for comfort to leave these in!
> @Marco Please let me know if I've made any errors doing this...
Thanks Nyall.
With a warning count of 0...
>> The plan is to let travis test for warnings and if there are warnings
>> mark the build red. With this in place, an author of a commit will be
>> required to spend some thoughts on a warning and take care of it before
>> merging into master. As an example, if you deprecate a method, you will
>> have to check where it is used, where it can be updated to its successor
>> and where it's required to use the deprecated method and appropriately
>> put macros there.
>> IMO this workflow should be preferred to merging code which produces
>> warnings of which the community (i.e. "somebody out there") will have to
>> take care of.
> Big +1 from me to this!

... this is now merged and we now have an excellent signal/noise ratio
in the compiler warning pane.


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