[Qgis-developer] Post-processing queries on postgis layers (after insert/delete/update)

Olivier Dalang olivier.dalang at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 18:09:36 PDT 2015

Now I've got another problem, the committedAttributeValuesChanges and
signals of QgsVectorLayer don't seem to fire when I change attributes or
I'm not sure if I'm hitting a bug or if there's something else I don't
understand, but this time the problem doesnt come from views (it appears
also on normal tables).

Here's my test case (to be run in the python console, with a vector layer
selected) :

> def testFeaturesAdded(a, b):
> 	QgsMessageLog.logMessage( 'committedFeaturesAdded was triggered' )
> def testFeaturesRemoved(a, b):
> 	QgsMessageLog.logMessage( 'committedFeaturesRemoved was triggered' )
> def testAttributeValuesChanges(a, b):
> 	QgsMessageLog.logMessage( 'committedAttributeValuesChanges was triggered' )
> def testGeometriesChanges(a, b):
> 	QgsMessageLog.logMessage( 'committedGeometriesChanges was triggered' )
> iface.activeLayer().committedFeaturesAdded.connect( testFeaturesAdded )
> iface.activeLayer().committedFeaturesRemoved.connect( testFeaturesRemoved )
> iface.activeLayer().committedAttributeValuesChanges.connect( testAttributeValuesChanges )
> iface.activeLayer().committedGeometriesChanges.connect( testGeometriesChanges )

I get messages on committed creation and deletion of features, but not
on modifications...

Is it a bug ? If someone confirms, I'll file a ticket... (I tested
under master and 2.8.1)

Best regards,


2015-03-19 1:09 GMT+01:00 Olivier Dalang <olivier.dalang at gmail.com>:

> Jürgen,
> I've been able to solve my problem by adding a default value on my view
> (and by also forwarding the ID in the insert trigger) :
>> ALTER VIEW test_view ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('test_id_seq');
> I updated the gist just in case :
> https://gist.github.com/olivierdalang/cad70df2d463d0b87566
> Thank you very much for your help :)
> Olivier
> On Mar 18, 2015 7:17 PM, "Jürgen E." <jef at norbit.de> wrote:
>> Hi Olivier,
>> On Wed, 18. Mar 2015 at 18:40:20 +0100, Olivier Dalang wrote:
>> > Am I doing something wrong ?
>> Not really - just something that isn't expected.
>> > Or is QGIS using some other way to get back the ID of a new feature ?
>> Any
>> > idea of what that could be ?
>> It retrieves the default values for all attributes (which might be a call
>> to
>> nextval), executes them and uses the result for the insert.  So it knows
>> the id before the insert and can update the feature with it.
>> Jürgen
>> --
>> Jürgen E. Fischer           norBIT GmbH             Tel.
>> +49-4931-918175-31
>> Dipl.-Inf. (FH)             Rheinstraße 13          Fax.
>> +49-4931-918175-50
>> Software Engineer           D-26506 Norden
>> http://www.norbit.de
>> QGIS release manager (PSC)  Germany                    IRC: jef on
>> FreeNode
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