[Qgis-developer] Regarding having multiple layers in print composer QGIS

Frank Sokolic sokolic at worldonline.co.za
Thu Mar 19 23:52:34 PDT 2015

Hi Nancy,

Instead of labelling the polygons with the values of a single field you 
can use multiple fields by building an expression using the expression 
builder. In the Layer Label Settings dialogue you'll see the button for 
the expression builder next to the box where you choose the field.

If you have two fields, one called ID and the other NAME, then you can 
build an expression like:
  "ID"  || ' ' ||  "NAME"

If you would like these to appear on different lines then you can set 
the label to wrap on a character, e.g. an asterisk *, and then write 
your expression as:

  "ID"  || '*' ||  "NAME"

You can also insert your own text into the labels like this:

'ID: ' || "ID"  || '*Name: ' ||  "NAME"

Hope that helps.


On 19/03/2015 20:22, Nancy wrote:
> Respected Sir,
> I wanted to know if we can have multiple labeling in print composer.After digitization i made the id's as the label now i want to have one more attribute as a label on the same digitized layer along with the id's as the label.
> 1.png and 2.png shows the 2 label's of the same vector file.Now is there any way to put these 2 label's one over the other with different properties( e.g 1 label id should come in middle of layer and then 2 label shape comes somewhere inside the layer).
> Can we do this?
> Regards,
> Nancy
> >
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