[Qgis-developer] saveAs crash on stretch/testing

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Sun May 17 12:02:07 PDT 2015

On 05/17/2015 08:17 PM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Il 17/05/2015 19:39, Sebastiaan Couwenberg ha scritto:
>> To fix this in Debian we need to transition from GDAL 1.10.1 to 1.11.2
>> to get the spatialite_init_ex() support in GDAL, and we also need to
>> transition from SpatiaLite 4.1.1 to 4.2.1 but the final release is not
>> out yet. GDAL will use spatialite_init_ex() for SpatiaLite >= 4.1.2.
> Thanks bas for the clarification. Looks a pretty serious thing, making
> QGIS barely usable (I'm getting other crashes as well, apparently related).
> Anything we can do to speed up a fix?

It may be possible to fix the underlying issue in libproj, but I'm not
sure what change between PROJ 4.8.0 and 4.9.1 causes the previous
spatialite_init() usage to become problematic now.

Helping SpatiaLite upstream to release 4.2.1 final soon is a way to
help. I'm waiting for that release before starting the spatialite
transition. The current 4.2.1-RC1 release has an issue with its library
versioning decrementing the SOVERSION from 7 to 6 whereas it should be
incremented to 8. See the discussion on pkg-grass-devel@:


I'll patch this issue in the Debian package and forward it upstream, at
the same time inquire about the final 4.2.1 release.

I prefer to first transition from SpatiaLite 4.1.1 to 4.2.1 before
transitioning from GDAL 1.10.1 to 1.11.2 because the former has fewer
reverse dependencies to verify. There is also an outstanding issue how
to best transition GDAL, see the discussion with the Release Team:


If I remember correctly, pyspatialite failed to build with spatialite
4.2.x. That would need to be fixed before starting the spatialite
transition. QGIS is the reverse dependency of pyspatialite in Debian, so
it's not a package we can drop.

Since QGIS doesn't use spatialite_init_ex() at all, I think you should
focus on addressing that. I'll do my best to get the gdal & spatialite
transitions started in Debian soon.

Kind Regards,


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