[Qgis-developer] crash on deleting a column (virtual field)

Salvatore Larosa lrssvtml at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 04:08:14 PDT 2015

I am experiencing a crash that systematically happens on each machine
I tested, both Windows and Linux, for such reason I am excluding a
local issue.

Before I file a ticket though, I would like to know if anyone can
reproduce the issue. The steps are:

* open the attribute table
* create a virtual field with expression = "other field"
* open delete column dialog (from the toolbar of attribute table)
* the only selectable column is the new virtual field, select it
* ok on dialog
* crash

Thanks for any feedback!

Best Regards,

Salvatore Larosa
linkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/larosasalvatore
twitter: @lrssvt
skype: s.larosa
IRC: lrssvt on freenode

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