[Qgis-developer] Using app MessageBar from providers ?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Sun Apr 10 06:12:21 PDT 2016


For the WFS provider, I'd like some messages, like a partial feature download, 
to be emitted in a more prominent way than just in the message log. The 
MessageBar would be appropriate for that, but from what I can see, it is not 
currently possible for a provider to use it. A search in src/providers shows 
that the same need was at least encountered once in the GRASS provider but the 
code is commented out as the provider doesn't link against qgis_app.

So unless there's a good reason for a provider not to be able to use the 
message bar, I was thinking to the following mechanism to implement it :
- QgsMessageLog would be extended to have 2 extra arguments bool 
displayInMessagerBar = false, int duration = 0 in logMessage() / 
- QgisApp would connect on messageReceived() and when the boolean is set, it 
would push the message to the main message bar.

Any thoughts ?


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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