[Qgis-developer] Windows builds of the master branch

Nyall Dawson nyall.dawson at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 01:44:35 PDT 2016

On 10 Aug 2016 6:35 PM, "Matthias Kuhn" <matthias at opengis.ch> wrote:
> Hi Jürgen
> On 10/08/16 10:11, Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:
> >> Is there any plan regarding this?
> >> Are you in charge of packaging Qt5/Py3 in osgeo?
> > osgeo4w, yes.
> >
> > I did build Qt 5.7 - but only started with the packaging, no python3,
no PyQt5,
> > no QGIS based not it.
> Nice!
> >> Do you have an idea about the time frame?
> > Not really.  After the Qt4 support is removed.
> Sounds like the same chicken-egg problem we had with debian and
> QtWebKit. Mutual waiting on others to do the first step.
> Feel free to do the first step without waiting for stuff to be broken ;)

Personally I'd rather wait till all existing tests are passing on the qt 5
builds before breaking the qt4 ones.

Otherwise we run the risk of these handful of remaining unit tests breaking

> Matthias
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