[Qgis-developer] GSoC Last Report - QGIS Resource Sharing Plugin

Alessandro Pasotti apasotti at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 10:11:03 PDT 2016

Thanks you for all your hard work on this plugin!

It was a good time working with you.

Kind regards

On 14 Aug 2016 6:42 p.m., "Akbar Gumbira" <akbargumbira at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> This is my last report of the GSoC project. I would like to thank Ale and
> Anita as my mentors, Richard (esp. for allowing me to visit his hackerspace
> in Denhaag and taking me to Indonesian restaurant :)), Tim, Martin, and
> everyone from QGIS community.
> *Brief Description*
> The project idea is to make svg, symbol, and style sharing easier. The
> idea of the implementation is changed (from the web service architecture to
> distributed directory based repository system). Nevertheless, the aim of
> the project is still the same.
> *The state of the project before my GSoC*
> There was not any tool that allows QGIS users to do this.
> *The addition that your project brought to the software*
> With this new plugin it's easier to share resources among QGIS users and
> hopefully we will have rich collections (whether it's icons, svg, images)
> to make cool maps.
> *Links to access the relevant code and documentation for the user to get
> started with testing your application.*
> I put these in the slide, but I will write it again:
>    - Slide: http://www.akbargumbira.com/slide_gsoc2016
>    - Plugin VCS:  https://github.com/akbargumbira/qgis_resources_sharing
>    <https://github.com/akbargumbira/qgis_resources_sharing>
>    - Plugin Test Repository: https://github.com/akbargumbira/qgis_
>    resources_data
>    - Plugin Documentation: http://www.akbargumbira.com/qgis_
>    resources_sharing
> *Slide*
> I hope this slide is informative enough for people who don't follow the
> project from the beginning: http://www.akbargumbira.com/slide_gsoc2016
> Note that I haven't published the plugin to the plugin manager. Will do
> later tonight or tomorrow.
> Cheers
> --
> *-------------------*
> *Akbar Gumbira *
> *www.akbargumbira.com <http://www.akbargumbira.com>*
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