[Qgis-developer] loading multiple wfs layers causes unexpected behaviour
Raymond Nijssen
r.nijssen at terglobo.nl
Sat Dec 10 04:53:08 PST 2016
In a loop, my python script adds 4 WFS layers to a new layer group in my
map. Before adding them I test for vlayer.isValid() and for some reason
they randomly seem invalid. Adding 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 layers to my new
group. Check attached screenshot.
I guess this might have to do with the remote WFS-service behind the
layer's data. Could I use some kind of onReady() or isReady() functionality?
I hope someone can explain this behaviour?
Another, possibly related, thing I ran into; When I load a qgs-file
containing some WFS layers, QGIS reports most of the WFS layers in the
'Handle bad layers' dialog. When I press OK (without changing anything)
some layers are "fixed" while others are still bad.
This is my script, sorry for the terrible dutch layer names etc:
import urllib
#from qgis.core import import
import time
plangebied = 'NL.IMRO.0796.0002120-1301'
params = {
'service': 'WFS',
'version': '1.0.0',
'request': 'GetFeature',
'typename': 'union',
'srsname': "EPSG:23030"
def getWfsLayer(service, typename, filter):
params = {
'typename': typename,
'filter': filter,
'srsname': 'EPSG:28992',
#'restrictToRequestBBOX': '1',
#'version': '2.0.0',
#'table': '',
#'sql': ''
if not service[-1] == '?':
service += '?'
uri = service + urllib.unquote(urllib.urlencode(params))
#print uri
layername = typename
vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(uri, layername, "WFS")
return vlayer
def addBestemmingsplan(plangebied):
service = 'http://afnemers.ruimtelijkeplannen.nl/afnemers2012/services'
filter = '"plangebied"=\'' + plangebied + '\''
layers = [ \
'app:Bouwaanduiding', \
'app:Bouwvlak', \
'app:Enkelbestemming', \
'app:Bestemmingsplangebied', \
root = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot()
bpName = plangebied
bpGroup = root.insertGroup(0, bpName)
#print bpGroup
for layer in layers:
print layer
vlayer = getWfsLayer(service, layer, filter)
print vlayer
if vlayer.isValid():
QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(vlayer, False)
node_vlayer = bpGroup.addLayer(vlayer)
print 'invalid layer'
canvas = iface.mapCanvas()
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