[Qgis-developer] should core plugins not be available in plugin manager?

Ramon AndiƱach custard at westnet.com.au
Mon Dec 12 13:12:37 PST 2016

> On 13 Dec. 2016, at 03:57, DelazJ <delazj at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I do not fully share the agreement on having core plugins not deactivable. Are Core plugins the problem or is it Processing? Let's not wrongly mix issues.
> I'd always thought that Core plugins meant plugins developed, managed, updated by the QGIS project itself, provided by default with installation. It doesn't mean that everybody wants to use it or needs it. The Road Graph is a plugin I had never executed in 5 years I'm using QGIS. Many others (GPS Tools, Heatmap, rasters related plugins...) are concerned. Why would I want it activated by default and crowd the GUI? Then I'd have to struggle and change some somehow hidden customization option to have it disabled? Uncheck it in Plugin Manager sounds far simpler.
> What puzzled many users (and might still do) with Processing in QGIS >=2.16 is to have removed fTools and not activate Processing by default for those that were using fTools. They should be provided a transparent replacement of fTools (including the removal of this one from the list). 


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